D-day and a considerable number of both parallel and consecutive military operations preceded the Falaise Pocket. The taking of Caen in particular turned out to be very troublesome.
This is clearly visible in the list shown below of preliminary operations which led to the Falaise Pocket eventually.
6 June 1944
7-14 June 1944
25 June - 1 July 1944
4-5 July 1944
26-30 June 1944
7-9 July 1944
10-11 July 1944
18-20 July 1944
25-27 July 1944
25-31 July 1944
30 July-7Augustus 1944
8-13 Augustus 1944
14-21 Augustus 1944
=> Beachhead
=> Caen
=> Noyers
=> Carpiquet
=> Caen
=> Caen
=> Hill 112 / Caen
=> Caen
=> Verrières Ridge
=> punch Caen defense
=> Vire/Mont Pinçon
=> Caen/Falaise
=> Falaise